What I am Learning on the Way

This month has been another incredibly busy one for me. I cannot believe how fast it has flown by and yet how much learning and creativity has happened for me in such a short period of time.

The conduit for all this was my attending a five day training on the structural nature of creativity and using my God-given, innate abilities to consciously create my reality. For many, this all sounds like bupkis, pie in the sky mumbo-jumbo. However, whether we consciously acknowledge it or not, we are all creating our reality all the time. Let that sink in. If this is true, we’re responsible for every experience we’ve ever had, certainly past the age of about seven when the individuation phase has completed. Immediately, I feel my hackles rise. How can that be? Why would I create the circumstance of my father dying, or my divorce, or any other traumatic event in my life? It’s structural, not personal. Our reality is created by our subconscious. Whatever the strongest message to our subconscious is, is what manifests into our reality. There are four levels of consciousness: unconscious, subconscious, conscious and superconscious or intuition. All too often we think we’re focusing on a certain thing, but at a subconscious level we’re actually focusing on something else.

Here’s my first nugget of inspiration for you: Most of our behaviour and reality is unconsciously driven by our unconscious beliefs. These beliefs were crystallised during our individuation phase, many, often way before birth. They are not as varied as you may think. All beliefs can be condensed into 12 core beliefs. For example: I have always had a tenuous relationship with money. In utero, I was not being fed well (I weighed 1.8 kgs/ 4 pounds at birth), then when my father passed as a young child he left my mum and I in large amounts of debt. These experiences have instilled a belief that there isn’t enough. No matter how much I focussed on having money, on money coming to me in unexpected ways, repeated affirmations, and wrote cheques for millions placed on my fridge, I still struggled to have “enough” money. My unconscious belief was the strongest message and that’s what kept turning up in my reality. Here’s the kicker: we cannot “fix” or even change our unconscious beliefs. They are our egoic vehicle through this life. There is nothing wrong or right about them, they just are. However, if we are able to become conscious of these beliefs, we’re able to make a choice for something different through an act of will.

Here’s my second nugget: Nothing is created without tension. In fact, creativity is tension resolving itself. If we think about this premise it becomes more and more obvious. We are born of tension (in more than one circumstance); think about the times you’re about to come up with a great idea or put pen to paper, or put paint on a canvas - the tension can be almost unbearable. When we put an in-tention into motion we are creating tension. Those who have learned to simply be comfortable with the discomfort of tension are the creators in life! 

Nugget number three: When we release the need to know how our intention is to manifest, we become comfortable with the creative tension we’ve created and that allows the tension to resolve itself. This is where “let go and let God” comes in. All too often, we become uncomfortable and then take things into our own hands to resolve our discomfort which brings us right back to where we were at the beginning. The trick is to hang with the tension, and tap into our superconscious/intuition in order to take action. It’s not about sitting around and waiting for your intention to drop into your lap. It’s about learning to listen to “your gut”, those internal prompts that often make very little sense. This is the meaning of surrender and allow.

It is in learning about this universal structure that I learned a few truths about myself. I am extremely hard on myself. I’ve always felt that I cannot acknowledge, let alone embrace my “shadow” side. I’ve come to realise that my shadow is simply my unconscious beliefs. Some people call them “limiting beliefs”. I’ve come to realise that they in themselves are not limiting. It’s the choices I make in life that limit me. More importantly, I have come to realise that it is my shadow that leads me to the light. Without one there could not be the other. We are all an expression of the Divine, here to experience, to learn. This is our reason for existence. When we can accept this and, indeed, embrace this, we can begin to live life fully. I have learned that all parts of me are worthy of love and compassion; that it is purely perception when I judge something to be good or bad, right or wrong, and there is nothing “wrong” or “right” with that! 

This work is based on the work of William Whitecloud, who has been able to intuitively gather and understand the Hermetic laws and the art of alchemy. Although his work is neither original nor new, it is transformative. I highly recommend looking into his writings and teachings.

“How does this relate to education?” I hear you ask. Completely, is my reply. We may not be able to change unconscious beliefs but we certainly can point in the direction as to how they create our reality. Imagine if we had just one generation of conscious young beings; realising the tremendous power we each have and learning to wield that power with integrity and compassion. Once we each take responsibility for our reality, becoming internally referenced and intentional, humanity will fulfil its potential. It begins with every individual. It begins with me. 


The Nitty-Gritty of an Education Rebirth (Part 6)