At The Ark Education, we're breaking down barriers to make education accessible for everyone. Our mission is simple: empower individuals to unlock their full potential. We've created a space where you can easily connect with educators, access educational services, find the support you need, and get inspired to reach your goals. Join us in this journey towards a brighter, more accessible future in education.

Out of the Ashes


Our Story

Calli, a visionary educator, embarked on a transformative mission after dedicating over 30 years to her chosen profession as an educator. For more than 18 months she single-handedly built an entire educational business, including the website, marketing, and everything else it has entailed. This journey led her to the crucial point where she had to take up part-time work in the classroom to support herself. Nonetheless, her true passion and purpose remained rooted in her innovative educational venture.

Throughout her journey, Calli was fortunate to cross paths with remarkable mentors who fortuitously entered her life, enabling her to build a valuable network. From the ashes of her initial fears and grief, a phoenix emerged, representing a fresh start and an opportunity for authentic change. The prospect of unemployment, the consequence of new mandates, initially left Calli paralyzed with anxiety. Being a single mother of two teenagers with a family history of health issues, she refused to take any unnecessary risks.

As the panic subsided, Calli began to formulate an alternative path. For years, she had grown disillusioned with an education system that often failed to live up to its rhetoric. It became clear that the challenging circumstances at hand could serve as a catalyst for genuine, transformative change.

Calli's vulnerability, solely relying on the State for income, resonated with many colleagues and friends. They too found themselves making choices against their better judgment and desires. This realization led to the expansion of Calli's original idea, involving more individuals in her vision.

One day, while browsing Facebook, Calli stumbled upon a post discussing the creation of a community website where teachers could share and sell resources. Intuitively, she reached out to the post's author, Paula. Their first meeting on November 12, 2021, was serendipitous. Calli and Paula immediately clicked and recognized they were onto something significant. Paula, previously a secondary school science teacher, had become disillusioned with the system's shortcomings. Like Calli, she was determined to make a meaningful impact.

And thus, The Ark Education was born. Its name was a happy accident that emerged during a brainstorming session with a bottle of wine. Paula humorously likened their endeavor to Steve Carell's character building an ark in "Evan Almighty." The name "The Ark Education" was instantly chosen.

The following day, Calli received a message from Nikki, a lady in Auckland who wanted to create a similar community of homeschoolers. Just six days after Calli and Paula's initial meeting, they met with Nikki, and their connection was undeniable. Nikki brought teaching experience, life wisdom, and homeschooling expertise to the table. The trio quickly formed a dynamic team.

Six months into this inspiring project, change came calling. Paula and Nikki, the initial co-founders, decided to pursue different paths in their lives. Paula returned to her beloved classroom, while Nikki chose to focus on her other ventures and eventually went back to the classroom as well. Both has since moved onto other things, although Nikki now remains associated with The Ark Education and works closely with Calli.

Calli remains steadfast and committed to seeing this project through. Her dedication to reshaping the educational landscape remains unwavering, and she eagerly anticipates new connections on this transformative journey.

The Ark Education invites you to join them on this evolving adventure, with the promise of empowerment and inspiration to help you create the life you truly desire. Serving you is their privilege.


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