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Holistic Management and a Paradigm Shift
The Ark Education The Ark Education

Holistic Management and a Paradigm Shift

Holistic management could be the answer to many of our woes. Calli takes a look at Allan Savory’s work as a precursor to The Nitty-Gritty of an Education Rebirth (Part 6).

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The Nitty-gritty of an Education Rebirth (Part 3)
The Ark Education The Ark Education

The Nitty-gritty of an Education Rebirth (Part 3)

Calli reveals the nature of the paradigm shift necessary for an education rebirth. It may surprise some, vex others and inspire many. Continue to join her on this journey toward an education rebirth.

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Rise Up Again
The Ark Education The Ark Education

Rise Up Again

Having been inspired by a YouTube video, Calli discusses how the fires of life are so important in the resilience and growth of humanity.

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Talking of Value…
The Ark Education The Ark Education

Talking of Value…

Calli discusses the concept of value and how it influences our reality.

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Intuition: the way forward?
The Ark Education The Ark Education

Intuition: the way forward?

Calli asks that we suspend our judgement and incessant thinking to imagine a life lived by intuition.

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Is “The Science” Ever “Settled”?
The Ark Education The Ark Education

Is “The Science” Ever “Settled”?

Balance is the natural state of the universe; for every force there is an equal and opposite reaction. It would seem to me a wise option to remain in balance and to consider that there are as many views that can coexist as there are viewers. As educators let’s use what works for each learner and be open to all possibilities - after all isn’t that what education and science is all about?

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Living While Earning a Living
The Ark Education The Ark Education

Living While Earning a Living

Going back to the classroom has given Calli the opportunity to practice maintaining her newfound priorities while earning a living.

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Inclusive Practice Needs a Shift in Paradigm
The Ark Education The Ark Education

Inclusive Practice Needs a Shift in Paradigm

Inclusive practice isn’t simply a set of practices that create inclusion…Calli discusses the need to examine oneself and make a shift in paradigm in order to become authentically inclusive.

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What Exactly is Inclusion?
The Ark Education The Ark Education

What Exactly is Inclusion?

Inclusion is a word bandied about liberally within the education system , but what exactly is it? Are our schools really inclusive? Calli discusses her thoughts.

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What I’ve Learned Along the Way
The Ark Education The Ark Education

What I’ve Learned Along the Way

The past few months have seen a tremendous amount of self-growth in me, and many others, I suspect. In this blog I talk about the fundamental lesson I have learned along the way in the hopes of inspiring and encouraging anyone who needs it.

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Best Start or False Start?
The Ark Education The Ark Education

Best Start or False Start?

It is ironic how the most important years in our children’s lives are often given the least importance. In this day and age parents are usually financially pressured to go back to work and leave their babies with others for long days. Those others are becoming more and more corporatized. ECE Reform may have some interesting solutions that could be applied across the board.

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