Learning Inspiration

Welcome to the Learning Inspiration Podcast, where educators from diverse backgrounds converge to explore the forefront of teaching and learning worldwide. Join host Calli as she engages with passionate educators, delving into the most relevant topics shaping education today.

From the nuances of home education to navigating learning support systems, and from fostering personal development to exploring the realms of spiritual enlightenment, our podcast offers something for everyone. Whether you're a seasoned educator, a curious learner, or someone deeply invested in the future of education, you'll find valuable insights and thought-provoking discussions here.

Each episode is a journey into the heart of education, where experts share their knowledge, experiences, and perspectives, fostering a vibrant exchange of ideas. Join us as we strive to inspire, inform, and empower educators and learners alike, creating a community dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and growth.

Tune in to the Learning Inspiration Podcast and embark on a transformative exploration of teaching, learning, and everything in between.

Shaan Singh

Experience the magic of music with the recording of an exclusive live conversation featuring Shaan Singh, the lead singer and saxophonist of the sensational Wellington-based band, Drax Project!


  • Unveiling the Musical Journey: Delve into Shaan's personal and professional journey in the music industry, exploring the highs, lows, and extraordinary moments that define his success.

  • Teaching Music with Shaan: Gain exclusive insights into Shaan's unique approach to teaching music and the valuable lessons he imparts to aspiring musicians. An essential watch for anyone passionate about music!

Be inspired by Shaan's story of turning passion into a profession and making waves in the music industry.

Exclusive Wisdom: Learn from the experiences of a multi-talented artist as Shaan shares his wisdom, tips, and tricks for aspiring musicians.

Joe McQueen

Check out the insightful recording of our recent event featuring Joe McQueen author of “Calming Young Minds”, where we delved into crucial topics impacting young people globally.

Key takeaways include the urgent need for a paradigm shift from rigid compliance and standardized assessment to fostering connection, communication, and creativity in education. McQueen and Veludos highlight the importance of self-awareness before engaging with traumatized youth and the vital role of Alternative Education in informing traditional systems.

Discover why "alt ed" approaches could offer universal solutions. Stay tuned for more thought-provoking discussions and potential collaborations with Joe in the future.

Rachel Barwell - Davis Dyslexia

Featuring Rachel Barwell from Davis Dyslexia and Calli Veludos on the TAE Learning Inspiration podcast! Discover how Davis techniques are revolutionizing the way we support neurodivergent learners in the learning environment. Rachel and Calli share real-life stories, practical tips, and invaluable resources for parents and teachers alike. Whether you're an educator seeking to enhance your classroom inclusivity or a parent navigating the journey of supporting a neurodivergent child, this event is for you! Watch now to gain insights that can make a real difference in the lives of neurodivergent learners.

Sarah Aiono

Join us in an inspiring episode of the TAE Learning Inspiration Podcast as we sit down with Sarah Aiono, an Accredited Ministry of Education PLD Facilitator (Cultural Capabilities endorsed), HundrED Academy member, Neuro Fellow, and New Zealand Representative of the Global Recess Alliance.

About Our Guest: Sarah Aiono is a trailblazer in the field of education, co-leading the investigation "Ko te tākaro te kauwaka e pakari ake ai te tangata | Cultural pluralism for play-based pedagogy: Developing and implementing an indigenised framework for play in a primary school setting." With her doctoral research completed at Massey University in 2020, Sarah has delved into the impact of professional development models on effective play practices in primary classrooms.

In this episode, we explore Sarah’s dedication to helping teachers integrate evidence-based play pedagogy into their daily classroom routines. Plus, get a glimpse into her homeschooling journey and her visionary ideas for the future of education.


Connect With Calli Podcast