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Strengthening Emotional Intelligence with Neurographica and Art Therapy

Strengthening Emotional Intelligence with Neurographica and Art Therapy.
An Online Workshop for parents and children.

Parenting today is not always easy. It can be stressful, confusing and exhausting.
All a parent wants for their children is to be happy, but there can be many different emotions coming up, and sometimes it is difficult to even express them.

It is very important to strengthen the emotional intelligence and resilience of children. To help them understand and process emotions in a safe way.
Also for parents, it is crucial to find outlets and make space to reflect on what is happening in the family.

With our workshop, we want to offer you the tools to do exactly that, release, express, and explore emotions, resolve conflicts, improve communication, and most importantly, create together with your children.
With the help of guided Art processes that you can share with your children and practice for your own well-being, we want to support families, and make the world a little more colorful.

Watch this video to get an idea about what this course is about.

To register for this course click on the link below.

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