Join us on our discussion series: Let’s Talk About the Future

 In this discussion series we are sharing new and old ideas, talking about how we want education to look and feel like, and brainstorming different ways of being and doing. This discussion is open to ALL without exception, after all, every single person is affected by the education system in some way. Through discussion and sharing we hope to develop a report/record of these conversations and create a picture of what the nation of New Zealand - Aotearoa want from an education without any other agendas or motives to interfere with the kaupapa.

We welcome you to join us by attending our events and/or visiting this page regularly.

Nga mihi nui

 Discussion One - Introduction

Our inaugural meeting went well and laid the foundations of how we’re going to interact and what we’re going to talk about. Even though attendance was low, we are excited to begin this journey and hope that it will grow in support. Please enjoy the video of the meeting below:

Discussion 2 -

ECE Reform

This discussion with Mike Bedford was extremely pertinent to what educational systems could look like in the future. Although centered around Early Childhood Education (ECE), these proposals could very easily be applied to the entire sector. A really interesting idea is to create “stage of life” ministries that integrate education, health and social development. This would break down the silos between those sectors and work more holistically and with much more responsibility toward individuals at every stage in life. Please read Calli’s blog post relating to this discussion before watching the video if you haven’t already.

Steiner Education - Janet Molloy & Clayton Gibson

This video is a conversation I had with Janet and Clayton, both trained and very experienced Steiner teachers and Anthroposophy advocates. I asked the following questions of them:

  • What are the 5 (or less) most important points that people should know?

  • What does this look like in the learning environment?

  • Are most/all Steiner schools in NZ state integrated? How does this influence how the schools operate, if at all?

  • How does Steiner cater for neurodiverse and other learning disadvantaged students?

  • What advantages do you see Steiner students having over a conventionally educated student?

  • What is your answer to the criticism that Steiner education is yet another European import that isn't relevant to NZ?

  • If the education system were to be completely dismantled and redesigned, what do you think could be integrated from Steiner, if anything at all?

Watch the video to find out more.

Discussion 3 -

Steiner Education

In this discussion my good friend, health practitioner and Steiner alumni, Heidi Grayson joins Mike Bedford and I in an interesting discussion about Steiner Education. The ties with Sir Ken Robinson, holistic learning, play-based/ project based learning, as well as Reggio Emilia are all very interesting. Please read Calli’s blog post relating to this discussion before watching the video if you haven’t already.

Discussion 4 - Home Educating with Cynthia Hancox

An informal chat with Cynthia Hancox about home education in New Zealand. Cynthia talks about the pros and cons of home educating, the exemption process and the resources available for home educators.