Rise Up Again
Writing the date as 2023 has brought some retrospection and some excitement to me. One of my most favourite YouTube channels is called “Green Renaissance”. Apart from the wonderful cinematography, these videos have a meditative quality and often bring tears to my eyes as they deliver messages that speak so profoundly to my heart. I came across this one titled, “Rise Up Again”.
Every new year brings with it new and unlimited possibilities, a chance to rise up further and to create a reality that you’ve been dreaming about. In reality, every moment is filled with these qualities, but we are never so aware as at this time.
It is inevitable that each year, indeed each day, brings with it both challenges and victories. Sometimes more of one than the other. Knowing that every experience is a learning opportunity, helps us to put aside judgements, and opens us to living life more fully. This is resilience.This is faith.
All too often we want to take the reins and control the direction of our lives. In doing so we get in our own way. Surrendering to “what is”, is so important for our peace and our ability to experience life in its fullness. When we surrender we become more flexible and adaptable, being able to flow with the river of life, rather than trying to swim upstream all the time. This will seem counterintuitive for many of us, as we’ve been conditioned into thinking that life is a struggle, that we have to work hard and fight for what we want. Just as the veinbos surrenders to the fire only to burst back into abundant life, so must we to every experience that comes our way. The fires of experience burn away the old and awaken the new growth lying hidden within. If we are always trying to put the fire out or training it to burn here but not there, we could miss out on opportunities or experiences that would bring forth much fruit.
The fires of life happen to us all, whether we like it or not. That is the human experience. That is what connects us so inextricably. It is our choice to experience these fires as painful or as opportunities to rise up again. That is our free will. In our rising up as individuals, we bring humanity with us. In becoming more peaceful, more compassionate, more generous and more grateful, we create that space for others to be everything they can be as well. This is collaboration. This is what we refer to as “good”. I love his quote, “There can be no greatness without goodness.” I’d like to take it a step further and say, “There can be no greatness without LOVE.”
These are highly charged times. Danger seemingly lurking around every corner. The fire is raging for many, and it is very easy to fall into the pit of self-pity and despair. However, these are incredibly exciting times as well. These are times when the ground is being readied for new life, for abundant growth and a change to begin with an entirely new paradigm. This is the time that humanity can truly shine. If we, as individuals, choose to see the lesson, the infinite potential, the magic, collectively we are able to change the world - literally.