The Essential Woohoo for Shifting Paradigms
I love Audible! My life is really busy (as it is for so many of us) and unfortunately, reading drops down my priorities list. However, with audio books, hands free and ear buds at hand, car journeys and time in the garden or cooking or doing household chores are much less tedious and more enlightening!
I've "read" some absolutely wonderful books of late:
The Universe has Your Back - Gabby Bernstein
Becoming Supernatural - Dr Joe Dispenza
The Four Agreements - Don Miguel Ruiz
The Surrender Experiment - Michael A. Singer
Sacred Economics - Charles Einstein
Waking up in 5D - Maureen St. Germaine
and not so lately:
Secrets of Natural Success - William Whitecloud
The Untethered Soul - Michael A. Singer
The Power of Vulnerability - Brene Brown
Some of my favourite YouTube channels are:
Green Renaissance - YouTube
Lewis Howes - YouTube
Gaia - YouTube
Mooji - YouTube
Abraham Hicks - YouTube
Russel Brand - YouTube
You can tell a lot about someone by looking at their bookshelf...I think my tendencies are extremely obvious. 😆😁 I have always been a little "woohoo" in my approach to life! This is what makes me a teacher and a changemaker. I am curious about what is happening, I am sensitive to the energetic footprint, and when I am present in any given moment, I receive "information" in the form of a knowing - often wordless, a kind of energetic picture or landscape - inspiration. All too often, I have responded to a situation and blown my own mind!🤯🤣 This is an indication to me that this inspiration has not come from my egoic self but from that which is connected to all things, in all time. I am not unique. I am not even gifted. We all have this "ability". It's just a matter of frequency.
I am convinced that our rising rates of "neurodiversity" are an indication of the rising number of beings who are resonating at frequencies that are receptive to higher dimensions. Being dyslexic, I have experienced this first hand. I have found that working with neurodiverse children and young adults, when I share my "woohoo" experiences, and talk about the intuitive "stuff" that comes up, the response is phenomenal. All the other third dimensional requirements such as reading, writing and math fall into place as a result of them recognising and tapping into their innate abilities; instead of fighting them or being confused by them.
This is what I mean by “shifting paradigms”. I mean a completely different way of approaching our reality! Imagine if we were to nurture our children’s fundamental nature of being “tapped into” consciousness. Imagine if we concentrated on each individual’s innate “knowing” and developed their natural intuition and imagination. Imagine if we taught our children how to consciously create their reality. Imagine if we taught our children all the things many of us are only learning in our later years. If every child knew their true worth, their true power, and their true purpose, our circumstances would change immediately.
That list of books and videos above is all about this very thing. Modern science is now catching up with the Esoterics, and “woohoo” isn’t so “woohoo” anymore. Quantum physics is a rapidly expanding and highly relevant field of study. The nature of our existence is becoming clearer and clearer, although we have only uncovered the tip of the iceberg. This time of tremendous change is the time we must reimagine how we prepare our future generations to create the best possible collective reality. We are fast approaching the time when we all take responsibility for our created reality and leave behind the childish notion that we are subject to others’ control and compliance. We are only so, if we chose to be so - either consciously or unconsciously.
Where our focus goes, energy flows. This is a fundamental tenant in quantum physics/mechanics. The more focused we are on fighting the System, the more we are inadvertently perpetuating it. If we can collectively focus on a future that we desire, learn about how we create our reality, and deliberately create the reality that we each want to live in, which is always one filled with love, peace, joy and abundance, then collectively we will create a very different “world”. This isn’t an “all or nothing” situation. It only takes YOU to recognise your true nature and to find your purpose - one cannot choose for anyone else (not even one’s children - all we can do is show a way, it’s up to each individual to choose their path). When we change our individual frequency, we change the frequency of everything around us. This change in frequency, in turn changes our reality. These are the things we could be teaching our children, no matter what their ability, race, culture, economic status or gender.
I can hear many saying, “She’s a bit out there!”, or “That’s just a pipe dream!” Perhaps it’s true, but what have we got to lose by having a go? Nothing, as far as I can see. We may have to let go of the illusion of power and control, and the drama that so many of us have become addicted to, but is that a bad thing? Our priorities will have to change and our lifestyles will follow. Again, is that a bad thing? How we interact with the Earth and each other will be completely different. Is that a bad thing? If we can begin to imagine a better way for ourselves and become curious to what possibilities lie before us, then we can shift our paradigm. If you haven’t already, start reading and listening to our modern (and not so modern) esoteric teachers and see how your perceptions change…I challenge you!