Gold Subscription - Annual

$3,150.00 every 12 months

This is our premium subscription service . This subscription service offers a wide range of opportunities to strengthen your brand, engage with your audience, and receive expert guidance in various aspects of your business. It's important to evaluate how these offerings align with your business goals and needs.


This is our premium subscription service . This subscription service offers a wide range of opportunities to strengthen your brand, engage with your audience, and receive expert guidance in various aspects of your business. It's important to evaluate how these offerings align with your business goals and needs.

This is our premium subscription service . This subscription service offers a wide range of opportunities to strengthen your brand, engage with your audience, and receive expert guidance in various aspects of your business. It's important to evaluate how these offerings align with your business goals and needs.

This subscription service offers a comprehensive range of benefits and promotional opportunities to enhance your business presence and engagement. Here's a breakdown of what's included:

  1. Profile Inclusion:

    • Your profile will be listed in the directory and featured in relevant sections on our website.

  2. Profile Set-Up Meeting:

    • Assistance will be provided in creating your profile, including support with writing a bio, selecting photos, and other elements.

  3. Annual Consultation on Marketing Strategy:

    • Once a year, you'll receive a consultation to discuss various aspects of your marketing strategy, including identifying your target audience, refining your branding, planning promotions, and more.

  4. Interviews or Video Adverts:

    • You'll have the opportunity to participate in three interviews or create video advertisements each year. These will be featured on our website and social media platforms.

  5. Quarterly Features:

    • Your content will be featured quarterly in our monthly newsletter and social media platforms.

    • These features will be directed at a specific target market as agreed upon and will include advertising with an estimated value of $250 per year.

  6. Webinars:

    • You can host up to six webinars, which will be hosted and promoted by us.

    • This package includes $250 per year for advertising associated with the webinars.

  7. Webinar Recordings:

    • The recordings of your webinars will be sold through our shop, and you will receive 10% of the earnings from each download.

  8. Resource Page and Shop Usage:

    • You can use our resources pages and shop without any administrative fees.

  9. Free Events Advertising:

    • You'll receive complimentary support for uploading event details and promoting them through the service.

  10. Review Consultations:

    • You'll have two review consultations to assess the progress of your marketing efforts and make necessary adjustments.

  11. Facebook Community Group Advertising:

    • You can use advertising within our Facebook community group.

  12. Monthly Group Support Meetings:

    • You'll have free access to the service's monthly group support meetings.

  13. Expert Consultations:

    • You'll receive an hour's complimentary consultation each with branding, web, and vision clarity experts.

Gold Annual Payment Plan
$1,050.00 every month for 3 months